Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Our Christmas Lights

Clayton has been driving himself crazy trying to put up all of our decorations. He has done a wonderful job so far, don't ya think? Be sure to click on the photo to see a larger image. My hubby is well on his way to becoming Clark W. Griswold, lol.

And no, he still hasn't put the screen back in my scrapbook room window. Ugh.

New Beginnings

I know I haven't talked about being a surrogate for a long while now. I just had to take a break and let things settle before beginning a new journey. Well, I have been talking to a really nice couple and we are going to meet on 12/9! I am anxious to see them in person and to hopefully get this thing going. They are going to fly here and we will go out for lunch. They do not have any children (yet!). Unfortunately, they have been through the infertility ringer. It is so sad what people must endure to become a family. I hope that I can change that for them. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I would love for this to work out and to finally carry a child for a loving couple. :)

I would also like to give a shout out to my childhood friend and college roomie Laura. Her birthday is today. Happy birthday gal!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Birthday to My Favorite Person!!

Clayton turned the big 3-0 today. I can't believe that he is now a 30 year old. Egads! I gave him an XBox 360, a shirt, some holiday boxers, a cool Starbucks travel cup and a Santa mug. We went out to celebrate at the Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company for lunch.

I forgot to announce Leslie's birthday back on Thanksgiving. I hope you had a great one gal!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!!

I am just quickly posting to wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving!! Our feast is in the works and my guests are on their way. I can't wait to chow down. I will update this post later with pics. :)

***Edited to add***
Well, I unfortunately didn't get any pics. I totally forgot to take some, lol. At least my meal rocked! I made roast turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato souffle, fruit salad, homemade baked macaroni, cranberry/apple casserole, yeast rolls, mulled apple cider and pumpkin/gingerbread trifle ala Paula Deen. It was all so yummy! My grandparents and my parents celebrated with us. It was an absolute wonderful day. :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Here's a sneak peek at one of the four mini kits that The ScrapRoom will be offering for December. This has been my favorite kit so far. It is just beautiful! Mind you, this is just one of the featured lines. There are 3 other fabulous ones included. ;)

BTW-The photo was made to be grainy. I thought that it was a cool effect. Also, the word 'Joy' is made of clear rhinestones (Heidi Swapp Bling) and so it didn't scan very well.

Monday, November 20, 2006

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

This is what the corner of my living room looks like, lol. Posted by Picasa

Snow Day

Yee haw ya'll! I am so excited to see snow. I woke up this morning and saw it through the sunroom windows. It was beautiful!! If you click the pic above, it will enlarge it and you can see the flakes much better. Unfortunately, it didn't stick around, but I think that it is a good sign that we are seeing the white stuff so early this year. I hope that our Winter season will be filled with snow days.

Clayton had just started putting up the icicle lights this past weekend. Maybe we will have real icicles for Thanksgiving. :)

ETA-Just in case you are wondering why my scrapbook room window is missing a screen it is because hubby uses that window to access the roof and he isn't done putting the lights out.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

This is a new layout using the awesome November Superstar kit from 3 Scrappy Boys. The story behind the photos is silly. We were at "A Day Out with Thomas" and Hayden was all over the place. I parked E close to the goat pen so that he could watch them while I took photos of Hayden playing. Clayton and I were so busy watching H that we didn't realize that E's toes were being nibbled upon. He never cried or anything, so the goats took turns harassing him, lol. Once I finally noticed what was going on, I started snapping away. It was so funny that I had to preserve the memory, lol.

Friday, November 17, 2006

I couldn't resist buying this:

The Little People Nativity set is so adorable! Both of my kids have been playing with Little People alot lately, so I thought that this would be fun for them to set out each Christmas. I can't wait for it to get here!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Our 'buggy' weekend

I haven't been updating lately because we have all been sick. It all started with E throwing up last Wednesday night. He was fine on Thursday and then he was totally stricken on Friday. It was so weird. I had to get him up at 11:30am because he was still asleep. It turned out that he was running a fever and so he did nothing but lay on me for the next 3 hours. H got the bug that night after he went to bed and ended up puking on everything in sight. Why, oh why, did I buy Pottery Barn Quilts for my kids??? He ruined his quilt with the ABC's and 123's that he ate for dinner. Yuck. Clayton didn't feel good either on Friday. He came home after work and complained of nausea. I felt it later that evening. On Saturday, everyone was fine but me. I felt miserable. Oh well, at least it didn't last very long.

Yesterday, the kids and I went over to Krista's house for a playdate. Tracy and Austin joined in too. We tried to watch Cars, but it was impossible, lol. At least the kids had a fun time and us gals got to chat for awhile.

I have to go back to the oral surgeon today after the kids get out of school. I hope he doesn't try to touch the gaping holes in the back of my mouth. I may have to smack him if he does.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My little guy is a 2 year old!

Holy crap, time really does fly. I cannot believe that my baby is now in the terrible twos, sniff sniff. The past few days have been really hard for me. I can't stand the thought of not having a baby. It's been so bad that I have been toying with the idea of a third. Clayton says that I am nuts. I dunno. We'll see. If we do have a third, I want to wait until Emerson is in kindergarten at the very least. What else would I have to do during the daytime when my 2 boys are in school? In the meantime, I would love to do a surrogacy and that would work out perfect time-wise.

***Newsflash-When I started typing up this post tonight, I heard Clayton yelling that Emerson was sick. He puked all over our living room and hallway. The poor little guy was so upset. I don't have a clue as to what is wrong with him. We have been to Chuck E. Cheese's, the grocery store, Target, McDonald's and the mall today. He was perfectly fine through all of it. It's so weird how he just all of a sudden got so sick. Clayton bathed him while I cleaned the messes up and then he tried to put him in bed. E began throwing up again. Now I am sitting here with him curled up in my arms. I hope he falls asleep while we watch LOST (thank God we DVR'ed it or we would have missed it) so that I can lay him down peacefully. I hate that he is sick on his birthday. :(

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Gifts from Grandma

Emerson got his birthday gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsen on Monday. He was so excited when I told him that they were presents. It turns out that he really loves the Fisher Price Pop-Onz and has played continuously with them since. Thanks so much ya'll!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Guess where we went today...

We went to see the Fletcher Fire Station for Cole's 4th birthday. The boys had a blast! Cole was completely decked out in his cute fireman gear. They climbed in and out of all the engines while we learned about how they work. It was a very cool way to spend the morning. After that, we went to lunch at Pizza Hut. I had a hard time eating since I am now missing 6 molars, but I somehow managed. It was so yummy. Usually PH pizza is very greasy, but it wasn't today.

Cole and Hayden driving a fire truck Posted by Picasa

Cole getting a driving lesson Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wild Week

This week has been a total whirlwind. I prepped for the Halloween party all day Monday and Tuesday. Poor Hayden had a bad fall on the playground when he was in preschool Tuesday. The incident was complete with an ambulance, fire truck, and a doctor's appointment. Don't worry, he is doing well. I think that he was more scared than hurt, thank God. The party was held that night and it was a huge success. We all had a blast! Wednesday was supposed to be my oral surgery, but they canceled and moved me to Thursday. Mom and I cleaned up all the party decor and then I went shopping by myself for next year's Halloween.

The kiddos had their picture day at the preschool today. Supposedly, they did really well. We shall see when the pics come back. I went to get my 4 wisdom teeth and 2 molars extracted while they were at school. It sucked waiting so long for the procedure. I was about to pass out due to nervousness, taking antibiotics on an empty stomach, and starving to death. Once I got called back, I began to relax. They administered the IV and then I saw the doc. He loaded my IV with something and then I quickly got drowsy. That's the last thing that I remember. I don't even remember leaving the place, lol. Clayton had to practically carry me to the car and inside our house. I am doing really well now and the Vicodin is making me feel comfortable. All in all, getting your teeth pulled is really not bad at all. I have ate 2 eggs sandwiches, some broccoli/cheese soup, and yogurt. I am so glad that I can actually eat.

Tomorrow, we will be taking a fun trip with Bolicks to the fire station. We will be celebrating Cole's 4th birthday. I will take my camera and try to get some pics. Afterwards, we are going to have some lunch together. It should be a fun morning. Mom is planning to take Hayden back home with her in the afternoon and he is super excited. He loves going to her house.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Joanna rocks!

My neighbor Joanna is the bomb! I asked her to take a few pics at the party last night and she got some good ones. Thanks so much gal!! Check them all out below. :)

The Boys (Carson, Jackson, Hayden and Cole) Posted by Picasa

Hayden in his Woody costume (from Toy Story) Posted by Picasa

Trick or Treat

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! We sure did. We threw a party for 30 friends last night. I was so busy cooking and running around that I didn't get any pics. My friend Joanna took some though, so I hope to steal some from her. ;) After everyone ate, we went trick-or-treating around the 'hood. I can't believe how many fuddy duds we have. There were a lot of houses with no lights. My Mom stayed at our house and handed out treats while we were gone. She said that a couple of people commented on our house being the most festive and decorated. They didn't even see the inside, lol. Our sun room was completely decked out for the party. She also had a few people comment on our awesome pumpkins that Clayton carved. I hope Jo got a pic of those also, because I sure forgot. Ugh. Anyway, we had about 130 trick-or-treaters.

Cole and Hayden anxiously awaiting their treats (Austin is the Power Ranger in the corner of the pic) Posted by Picasa